Many parents are hoping to succeed the program their pregnancy with the sex of the baby they were expecting. Although most parents not too dizzying gender affairs, but for some more certainly hope can get a baby with the gender of the child's gender is different from before. For example, for those who already have lots of boys, certainly expects the next pregnancy is a baby girl, and vice versa.
There are many theories that appear in help determine sex of baby. Though sometimes, many theories circulating among ancient society which cannot be demonstrated keilmiahannya. But many other factors to help determine a baby's gender pretty much recommended by experts of modern medicine and it worked.
We should know that in the sperm of a man that there are X and Y spermatozoa. Spermatozoa X is a determinant of the female gender, whereas Y is determining the sex of the man. By virtue of its nature, spermatozoa X have higher survival of spermatozoa y. So genetics experts made several theories based on the existence of this chromosome 2.
Well, here are some factors that can help determine the sex of your baby during in its conception:
1. the food Factor
Baby girl: during the period of conception, suggested to many husbands consume foods containing alkaline like brown rice (or can be replaced with white rice boiled with organic vegetable broth), green vegetables, fruits, milk, butter, honey, spirulina, and egg whites. While the wives are advised to consume foods containing acids like meat and seafood. This is recommended because if want a baby girl, then vaginal condition must be in a State of acid so that the X sperm can last longer to fertilize the egg and sperm Y can not survive long and can die by itself.
Baby boy: during the period of conception, suggested to many husbands consume foods containing acids (see previous example). While the wives are advised to consume foods that contain lots alkaline batteries.
This is recommended because if you want a baby boy, vaginal condition
must be in a State of bases, so the sperm Y can last longer to fertilize
the egg.
2. sexual intercourse
Baby girl: Recommended for frequent sexual intercourse before ovulation period arrives (before menstruation), without previous stimulation, the penetration was not in a position, and the wife the husband is on top during sex. When having sex, the woman receives stimuli cause vaginal conditions become base. And when vaginal conditions become sperm X bases, could not survive for long. That's why it is recommended to avoid stimuli in order to condition the vagina be fixed acid and X sperm can last longer.
Baby boy: it is recommended to perform sexual intercourse as often as possible at the time of ovulation (close to prior to menstruation and as soon as the menstruation is complete), with the previous stimulus, the penetration is performed with in ejaculation, after wife getting orgasm, and the position of the wife being under her husband during sex. If you want a baby boy, then vaginal condition must be in a State of bases, so it is recommended that the wife get rangsangannya (orgasm) so Y sperm can last longer to fertilize the egg.
In addition to these two factors, there is one more method that has been practiced by the people of ancient China in helping determine the sex of the baby. This method is a method of the Chinese Conception Calendar. I.e. determining the gender of a baby with mother's age based on the time of conception and the time (months) occurrence of conception itself.
Conception and pregnancy calendar has been discovered hundreds of years ago, buried in a Royal Tomb over 700 years near Peking, China. Original file from this calendar is now stored at the Beijing Institute of Science. To fit himself actually said about 93 – 99% true/accurate. There were also that said only about 70% of its accuracy. But, of course, this conception of Calendar methods are man-made remains dependent on the provision of God. There is no harm to try and have some fun with this prediction.
Please refer to the following table:
How to read the table:
1: the age of the wife of 25 years, while the conception and
fertilization takes place in the month of July, it will most likely be
born baby is female.
Example 2: the age of the wife of 38 years, the conception of time and fertilization takes place in the month of November, then most likely the babies born are male.
Example 3: Dina, born in 1988. In March 2014 happens conception/fertilization (then age mean 26 years). Then when it is withdrawn from the age of Dina and pembuahannya month, so his estimate was male.
Remember Yes, months referred to in the table above is the month of conception, not birth month baby. And that made the benchmark age is Your year of birth. For example, a mother born in December 1982, then in 2014 age is 32 years old, even though in December has yet to arrive. You were born in 1990, then 2014 your age 24 years. No matter what month you were born. Sometimes there are counting the months of conception based on HPHT DIAMONDS (the first day of the last Menstruation). But to be more accurate about the conception of this, please consult Your obstetrician.
So ... Easy, right?