New life which flourishes in the womb You make you now cannot carelessly taking medicationcolds for pregnant women. During pregnancy, your body's endurance is lower, making you morevulnerable to developing colds or flu. The changes that occur in your body while pregnant to makeanything you consume will affect not only your body, but also on a baby in Your womb. Colds are just one of a series of flu symptoms. Besides colds, other symptoms that may arise are fever, cough, sore throat, headache, and pain in the body. Research shows that the average pregnant woman takes three times longer to recover from the flu, compared with those who are notpregnant.
A seemingly simple flu can lead to a higher risk of complications for the mother, such as bronchitisor pneumonia. For infants, flu could hinder its growth so that babies are at risk of premature birthor low birth weight. Before getting pregnant, when you catch a cold or flu you might notimmediately think long and consume drugs reliever flu can you get easily at pharmacies or drug stores. But now you may be wondering: what is a medicine that I will consume it safely?
Cure Colds for pregnant women who are natural and Nutritious
You don't need to worry. If colds hit when you get pregnant, your drug of choice is indeedbecoming more limited. However, there are many other ways that you can try to relievesymptoms of colds. These ways are even easy to do as well as natural, so it is safe for your baby.
Drink plenty of fluids
When the flu, the body temperature will rise. Nasal cavity and throat also produces mucus(phlegm) that more as a form of defence mechanisms. Sometimes, the phlegm to clot in the cavity of the nose and throat become too thick so it's difficult to be expelled. Drinking plenty of fluids will help lower body temperature and thins phlegm.
The liquid in question here are not limited to just plain water. Fruits that contain lots of water (such as plum, blueberry, citrus, peach, melon, grapefruit, strawberry, and watermelon), fruit juices, and vegetables soups and warm can you consume.
Inhale the vapors
Cure colds for pregnant women that safely is the next by way of inhaling the steam. Pour hot water in a heatproof container, and then breathe in the steam heat water. Or if available, turn on the humidifier in the room. Water vapor will help thin the phlegm and relieve nasal congestion.
Salt water
To relieve coughs and sore throats, berkumurlah with warm water mixed a bit of salt. Cough andsore throat is the response body, if any germs or bacteria enter in Your respiratory tract. Although it is only dikumur in the mouth, warm water and salt is effective ' rinse ' germs and the bacteria so that coughs and sore throats ever reduced.
Orange juice, water and honey
In addition to the warm water and salt, to relieve cough and sore throat you can also consumewarm water that has already given the orange juice and honey. In addition to relieves coughs and sore throats, oranges contain vitamin C which can strengthen your body's endurance. But bewarebecause the vitamin C will break down at high temperatures. Avoid hot water menyiramkan onorange juice. Prepare in advance of warm water, then give the juice of lemon and honey. In this way, the vitamin C in oranges are not lost.
Chicken soup
The mechanism is indeed not yet known for sure. However, chicken soup can be a cold remedyfor pregnant women who are very efficacious. Presumably, the seasoning-bumbuan contained in chicken soup (garlic, onion, and pepper) releasing a natural anti inflammatory substances that are useful against viruses. While the protein found in chicken meat is useful for repairing cell membranes which have an impact on how quickly the recovery process.
Cure Colds for pregnant women is allowed
We suggest that, to avoid any form of treatment in the first trimester of your pregnancy (0-12Sunday), unless there are specific conditions that require you taking medication, which of courseyou have carefully consult with Your obstetrician. Avoid drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is very important, because the first trimester is a time for baby's vital organs to develop.
Some of the obstetrician even prohibit the use of the drug for up to 28 weeks gestation. To that end, before consuming any medication make sure you consult with Your obstetrician, also avoidtaking the drug exceed the recommended dose. In addition, avoid drugs that can overcome some symptoms at once. Choose one drug that overcomes one of the symptoms that you feel is reallyannoying. Cure colds for pregnant women who are considered safe after the first trimester of pregnancy past age, among others, as follows:
Many have been knowing this drug because of its effect as lowering the heat and pain. As long as the appropriate dose is consumed is indicated on the label, these drugs safely consumed while pregnant.
These drugs suppress the cough from the Center nerve and raised the threshold of stimulationcough. Research done on pregnant women shows that these drugs do not contribute to the risk ofcongenital defects in infants.
This medicine is an expectorant thins kind of phlegm in the respiratory tract so that it is easy to be expelled. Although several studies found an increase in the risk of hernia in infants who are exposed to these drugs, but several other studies have menyanggahnya, so the drug is expressed as a cure colds for pregnant women that are safe for consumption.
Cure Colds for pregnant women should be avoided
We recommend that you avoid pseudoefedrin and fenilefrin, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy because several studies reported the existence of defects in infants who are born. Both of these drugs are decongestants, which helps relieve nasal congestion. After the first trimester,the second use of this medication for some time only may be secured (e.g. only drink one or twotimes a day for no more than one or two days). Use more often at risk of reduced blood flow to the placenta.
You should also avoid drugs such as aspirin pain reliever, naproxen, ibuprofen, sodium salicylate,and nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs more, especially in the third trimester. Note also that some liquid cough medicine may contain alcohol concentrations reached 4.75%. Be sure to choose a remedy that is free of alcohol, which can be found by reading its content (or typicallywritten "alcohol-free" on the front of the container).
Bagimanapun also, preventing is better than cure. You now know the cure colds for pregnant women. However, you can also lower the risk of contracting the flu with a few preventive measures. Wash your hands frequently with SOAP and water (if not available, you can use alcohol-based hand rubs). Avoid contact with friends or family who are sick. Make sure you have enoughrest, eating healthy, exercise regularly, and manage stress.